$Pages,3 $Title, Electric Shock $Page1 $Sounds,IT11,IT12,IT13 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text,1. Do NOT touch the victim until the electric current is turned off, or the victim is no longer in contact with it. $Text,2. If possible, turn off the electric current. If not possible, have someone call the electric company to cut off the current, and call for emergency medical services. $Text,3. If you need to remove the victim from a live wire, stand on something dry: a newspaper, blanket, cloth, rubber mat. If possible, wear gloves. $End1 $Page2 $Sounds,IT14 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text,4. Push the victim away from the wire with a dry board, stick, or broom handle. Do NOT touch the victim until free from the wire. $End2 $Page3 $QT,electric $QT1,0,2267 $QT2,2267,4567 $QT3,4567,7000 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text, As with all serious injuries: $Text,1. Check and maintain an open airway. $Text,2. Restore breathing and circulation. $End3